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Friday, 22 February 2019

roti prata

quick to make - but benefits from a long rest before cooking
  • Plain Flour 600g
  • Water 300m
  • Salt 1 teaspoon
  • Sugar 1 tablespoon
  • Oil 15 ml
  • 1 egg
Put all the ingredients into a food processor with the dough blade attached. 
Blend for 20 seconds until all the flour and water are mixed and the dough looks like a shaggy mass.
Rest the dough for 20 mins then turn on the processor for 30 seconds followed by 2 min rest and another 30 seconds. This makes the dough easier to process. 
Divide into balls and rest the dough: minimum 50 mins, longer if possible.  Overnight allows a slight fermentation and improved flavour.  
Roll each ball in flour and, using a rolling-pin, roll into a thin round approximately 15cm/6in in diameter. 
Heat a large dry frying pan over a medium heat and cook each roti for 30 seconds on one side, to set the dough. 
Turn over, and cook for another minute, until small bubbles appear on the top and light brown spots appear underneath. 
Turn over again and cook for a further 30-40 seconds. The dough will start to puff up so press down with a rolled-up tea towel to force steam to escape. Each time you press with the towel, rotate the roti in the pan to keep it moving on the hot surface (to avoid burnt spots). 

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